Thursday, April 16, 2009


Connor was a hit at the Easter egg hunt at Ninah's church. Before they set the children loose for Easter eggs (and candy, and the inevitable sugar highs), they told the story of Jesus' death and resurrection.

"Does anyone know why we have Easter?"

Three-year-old Connor piped up:

"Because Jesus died."

He knows the story. I was surprised the first time I heard him tell it.

"And what happened after He died?" I asked.

"They put him in a cave, and the bad guys put a rock in front of him."

"Did He get out?" I asked.

"No," Connor replied.

Unfortunately he misses the most important part.

This has become one of his new games. Yesterday we were playing outside, and Connor picked up a stick.

"Mommy, you shoot me, and I'm gonna rose again from the grave."


This morning was a little trickier. We discovered that Connor, who has only met Lee's mom once, thinks that Lee's older sister Carol is his mom.

"She's not my mom. She's my sister," Lee explained.

"Well, where's your mommy?" Connor asked.

"She lives far away. You met her when you were a baby."

"What about your daddy?"

"Well, he's in heaven," Lee began, a little lost for words. "He died," he continued.

"On a cross?" Connor asked.

How do you explain death to a three-year-old? I'm not really sure I'm ready to. So far the story of Jesus' death is the only story of death Connor has heard. And He rose again, so Connor is a little confused about what death really is.

I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church, and the story of Jesus' death was one I always knew. It was so much a part of me that I was in my early 20s before I realized how violent and gruesome the story really is. Blood, and nails, and a thorny crown.... It's the type of story I would censor from my young son if it were on t.v.

And yet it is central to my Christian faith.

The story is ultimately one of hope: Despite violence and death, there is ultimately resurrection. A second chance. A new beginning. Connor doesn't really get it. How can he, at three?

I wish I could completely shield him from death. I wish he would never have to worry about his health or the health of a parent, grandparent, spouse, child, or friend. I wish he would never have to feel the empty place that is left behind when a loved one passes away. I wish he could stay my little baby forever....

But he will grow up, and he will experience those things, and he will be changed by them. Hopefully he'll learn the end of the story, and with it find some hope.

1 comment:

  1. Again, great write! We still have so far to go on this journey but it seems to me that you and I are in similar places with the questions and disdain for death. Hopefully it is not consuming you the way it is consuming me.
