Tuesday, April 7, 2009


This is copied and pasted from an email Lee sent me. I laughed out loud when I read it:

We’re in the car going to school and Connor is in the back playing with his BumbleBee toy. I hear him say “someone’s going to put my BumbleBee up in a tree that is SOOO BIG.”

I ask him, “Who’s going to do that?”


“Really?” I ask. “Where’s the giant going to come from?”

“A barn”

“Oh, are there any barns near our house?”


“So how’s the giant going to get to our house?”

Connor answers quietly, “Well, maybe he has a car.”

I think I’ve got him cornered now… “Have you ever seen a car that was big enough for a giant to drive?”

“No, but maybe he’ll sit on top of the car.”

“But if he sits on the car, he will crush the car.” I respond.

“Well then he’ll sit inside the car!” Connor states with certainty.

Ah ha! “But they don’t make cars big enough for giants to drive!”

“Well, they will if the giant says >very deep voice< MAKE ME A CAR!!”

I have nothing to say to that….


  1. What an imagination on that boy!! Sounds like he's going to have the persuasive genes of a family full of lawyers... :)
