Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Conversations with Connor

Connor came out of the kitchen with an arm full of empty egg cartons.

"Mom, my movie said you can take something that's old and make it into something new," he said excitedly.

"Really? Well what are you going to do with those?"

"I'm going to put my cars in them!

The other evening Connor said he wants to be a lawyer when he grows up.

"Are lawyers smart?" he asked, as if that were the most important consideration.

"Well, sometimes," I said. "But do you know who are really smart? Scientists! Researchers! Engineers! You should be an engineer!"

"You don't want to be an engineer," Lee said. "You want to be a lawyer. Engineers are boring."

"Yeah," Connor agreed. "Engineers are boring. They just stand on the train and take your ticket!"

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