Staying home with a baby can be dull. She is so cute, and I love her smiles and laughter, but there's a limit to how much time I can spend cooing at the baby.
So I started working from home. It's not a lot--only about ten hours per week. Laila naps a lot, and I often work while she's sleeping. When she's awake I can put her in the bouncy seat or the Bumbo or the stationary activity center that she stands in with the toys around her (we call it the Baby Einstein), and she will be perfectly content. Occasionally, depending on the assignment, I can work with her sitting on my lap. It has worked well for us.
But this past week began Connor's summer vacation. Although it has completely altered our schedule, it has been great so far. I had no idea how much FUN staying home with a three-year-old can be.
This week we played in the pool, went to swim lessons, went to the library, went to the gym (Connor LOVES the gym), and went to the Chocolate-Milk-Place (aka Starbucks). We made Jello, Popsicles, brownies, and kool-aid. We are planning playdates, trips to the zoo, and trips to the park. With the exception of a trip to Lowe's, where I discovered upon reaching the car that Connor had picked ALL the flowers and leaves off my new plant, Connor has been a lot of fun. I'm having a great time.
But there's this little nagging thing called work that is constantly in the back of my mind. My plan is to work while Connor naps. I only have to do two hours a day--it really isn't much. It worked beautifully on Monday and Tuesday. But yesterday I was oh-so-tired, and the children were sleeping oh-so-peacefully next to one another, and I thought Why not? They're only young for a short while.... And so I napped with them.
In addition to my desire to indulge occasionally in a nap with the children, I have a desire for a few hours completely for myself each day. I could garden. I could read. I could write. I could paint my office and the guest bedroom. I could take this time during Connor's nap (assuming I get Laila to nap at the same time, which is actually very doable), but I am supposed to be working. I realize this is a luxury few people have, so I have accepted it and I try not to whine about the fact that I don't get it.
And then there's the whole business of housework. It's difficult to do housework when Connor and Laila are awake. Both are demanding in their own way. I can get short spurts of work done here and there, but in order to get this house clean I need a few hours of uninterrupted time. Again, there's nap time, but I'm supposed to be working.
All of this is making me resent my job. Don't get me wrong--I enjoy what I do, and I work for a wonderful attorney. I feel fortunate to have this job, notwithstanding the economy. I know there will be a day when the children are in school, and I'm going to want a career to return to. This at least allows me to maintain contacts and keep my resume somewhat current. And, as Lee constantly points out, if I want to do all the things I am planning to do in the yard, I need to work more.
So I continue to work. And I would get ten hours a week easily, if it weren't for the stupid Internet....
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