I picked Connor up from school early today so that I could take him to his four-year-old well-visit (where did the last four years go?!). I was surprised to be greeted by a huge grin and a "Mommy!" as he ran towards me to give me a hug. Usually he runs the other way and tells me he's not ready to leave.
"You're picking me up early!" he exclaimed. "You're picking me up before we go outside!"
"I am. Would you rather stay and play?"
"No, I want to go with you."
"But I thought you liked staying at school."
"Well, school's a little fun, but I love you much lotter," he replied. It melted my heart. And made me feel a little bad that I was taking him to the doctor.
I drove in silence. I knew it would burst his bubble when he found out he was getting a shot. We pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office.
"Why are we going here?" Connor asked.
"Well, the doctor wants to see how much you've grown!"
Connor became very quiet. "And what else?" he asked.
"Well, they want to check your vision and your hearing."
"And what else? A shot?"
The boy is too smart.
He spent the next forty-five minutes crying about the shot. The nurse finally came in the room, and informed me that it would be not one, but four shots. Ouch.
Connor screamed. He had tears streaming down his face, dripping into my lap. It broke my heart. As difficult as it is to watch a baby get a shot, I think it pales in comparison to watching a four-year old get a shot. But after it was over, he got to pick out four toys from the treasure chest. As expected, Connor picked out four cars. And all was forgiven.
On the way out, he informed the receptionist that he got his first shot ever. Not really, but I suppose it's the first shot he will remember.
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