Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Memories

In the weeks leading up to Christmas we used the Christmas china. We have the Spode "Christmas Tree" pattern. One evening Connor said, "Mom, the person who made these plates doesn't love Jesus."
"Why do you say that?"
"They have Santa on top. They should have a star, for baby Jesus."
Thankfully he never pointed out that our own tree didn't have a star on top.

A few days before Christmas Santa (aka Uncle Justin) called Connor. I handed Connor the phone.
"I love you Santa!" he said immediately.
"And for Christman I want a motorcycle that jumps over houses!"

On Christmas eve we drove to Florence to Justin and Melia's house. On the way home Connor said "I saw Rudolf, and Santa, and Santa's sleigh. And I saw a motorcycle in his sleigh. It had two wheels and two ge-saust pipes, so that's how I knew it was a motorcycle. And I'm going to see Santa again tonight." 
"Well he won't come if you're awake," Lee reminded him.
"I know. I'm just going to pretend to sleep, and I'm going to listen for his footsteps, and when I hear him I'm going to sneak very very quietly to see him. And Rudolf."

On Christmas morning I was awakened by a tiny voice.
"Mom, can I tell you something? Santa brought me a bike, and it has Spiderman on it! And he also brought me this in my stocking," he said, holidng up a toy plane with "Super Y" in it (from the PBS show "Super Readers").
"And can I tell you something else? He also brought gummy bears and red vines in my stocking. And he put a doll, and a book, and some chocolate in Piddle's stocking."
"You went through Laila's stocking?" I asked.
He grinned.
"Santa must really love me. Come see!"
I followed him into the living room.
"He also bought a pumper for my bike," Connor said, pointing to the tire pump sitting next to his bike.
Of all the gifts, however, his favorite was Wyatt's cape and mask (from "Super Readers").
"Nina won't even know who I am," he said as he put it on. "And we have to get a green shirt, because Super Y has a green shirt on. See?"
He showed me the Super Y doll that he got, which he calls his "pet".
"But I don't have any green pants," he continued. "Super Y has some green pants, and I need some green pants."

Laila got three dolls for Christmas, and she has attached herself to them.
"Ba-be," she says, pointing to them. It is her first real word, besides "Mama," "Daddy," and "Uh-oh."

On Christmas day Mom asked Connor what his favorite part of Chrsitmas was.
"Jesus," he said.
"Anything else?" she asked.
"Om, Jesus' birthday," he said. (He is such a kiss-up!)
"Is there anything you remember about last Christmas?" she asked.
"Om, the stockings. I liked hanging the stockings."
"What did you like about that?" Lee asked.
"They get presents in them!"

On Christmas night as mom was tucking Connor in, he said his prayers with her.
"Bless mommy, and daddy, and Nina, and Papa, and bless--oh--Nina, can I tell you something? I have a secret. But I can't tell you until Christmas. Is it Christmas yet?"
"Yes, it's Christmas."
"Well, my secret is that we're going to get ICE-CREAM! Papa will get Transformer's ice-cream, and you can have Princess ice-cream, and I'll have Super Y ice-cream. But Papa's ice-cream won't be better than mine. I'll have the best!"

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